410 research outputs found

    Introducing wearable haptics for rendering velocity feedback in VR serious games for neuro-rehabilitation of children

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    Rehabilitation in virtual reality offers advantages in terms of flexibility and parametrization of exercises, repeatability, and continuous data recording and analysis of the progress of the patient, also promoting high engagement and cognitive challenges. Still, most of the proposed virtual settings provide a high quality, immersive visual and audio feedback, without involving the sense of touch. In this paper, we show the design, implementation, and first evaluation of a gaming scenario for upper limb rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy. In particular, we took care to introduce haptic feedback as a useful source of sensory information for the proposed task, considering—at the same time—the strict constraints for haptic wearable devices to comply with patient’s comfort, residual motor abilities, and with the embedded tracking features of the latest VR technologies. To show the potential of haptics in a rehabilitation setup, the proposed device and rendering method have been used to improve the velocity control of upper limb movements during the VR exercise, given its importance as a motor recovery metric. Eight healthy participants were enrolled, and results showed that haptic feedback can lead to lower speed tracking errors and higher movement smoothness, making the proposed setup suitable to be used in a rehabilitation context as a way to promote movement fluidity during exercises

    A procedure for designing natural water retention measures in new development areas under hydraulic-hydrologic invariance constraints

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    In recent years, in Italy and elsewhere, regional regulations based on hydraulic-hydrologic invariance (HHI) principles have taken hold, especially for new development areas. Natural water retention measures (NWRMs) are among the most interesting options to provide the storage and infiltration capacities that are needed to achieve the HHI objectives. A procedure for the design of NWRMs in new development areas under HHI constraints is presented and is based on a simple combination of Soil Conservation Service Curve Number (SCS-CN) method for determining rainfall excess and lag-time method for simulating runoff propagation. Three types of NWRMs can be considered: rain barrels, drainage wells and drainage trenches; five types of synthetic hyetographs can be selected and three different approaches for the determination of critical storm duration applied. The results obtained by applying the procedure in a new development area located in northern Italy are illustrated and some general conclusions are drawn. It clearly emerges that practitioners should pay particular attention to the correct determination of design storm duration in order to avoid large underestimations of NWRMs size. Moreover, different combinations of the three NWRMs can provide the required reduction of peak of runoff after the transformation, but it appears that drainage trenches are more effective with respect to harvesting systems in reducing the peak runoff value

    Design and Control of the Rehab-Exos, a Joint Torque-Controlled Upper Limb Exoskeleton †

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    This work presents the design of the Rehab-Exos, a novel upper limb exoskeleton designed for rehabilitation purposes. It is equipped with high-reduction-ratio actuators and compact elastic joints to obtain torque sensors based on strain gauges. In this study, we address the torque sensor performances and the design aspects that could cause unwanted non-axial moment load crosstalk. Moreover, a new full-state feedback torque controller is designed by modeling the multi-DOF, non-linear system dynamics and providing compensation for non-linear effects such as friction and gravity. To assess the proposed upper limb exoskeleton in terms of both control system performances and mechanical structure validation, the full-state feedback controller was compared with two other benchmark-state feedback controllers in both a transparency test—ten subjects, two reference speeds—and a haptic rendering evaluation. Both of the experiments were representative of the intended purpose of the device, i.e., physical interaction with patients affected by limited motion skills. In all experimental conditions, our proposed joint torque controller achieved higher performances, providing transparency to the joints and asserting the feasibility of the exoskeleton for assistive applications

    GaAs(111)A and B in hydrazine sulfide solutions : extreme polarity dependence of surface adsorption processes

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    Chemical bonds formed by hydrazine-sulfide treatment of GaAs(111) were studied by synchrotron photoemission spectroscopy. At the B surface, the top arsenic atoms are replaced by nitrogen atoms, while GaAs(111)A is covered by sulfur, also bonded to underlying gallium, despite the sulfide molar concentration being 103 times smaller than that of the hydrazine. This extreme dependence on surface polarity is explained by competitive adsorption processes of HS- and OH- anions and of hydrazine molecules, on Ga- adsorption sites, which have distinct configurations on the A and B surfaces

    A soft, synergy-based robotic glove for grasping assistance

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    This paper presents a soft, tendon-driven, robotic glove designed to augment grasp capability and provide rehabilitation assistance for postspinal cord injury patients. The basis of the design is an underactuation approach utilizing postural synergies of the hand to support a large variety of grasps with a single actuator. The glove is lightweight, easy to don, and generates sufficient hand closing force to assist with activities of daily living. Device efficiency was examined through a characterization of the power transmission elements, and output force production was observed to be linear in both cylindrical and pinch grasp configurations. We further show that, as a result of the synergy-inspired actuation strategy, the glove only slightly alters the distribution of forces across the fingers, compared to a natural, unassisted grasping pattern. Finally, a preliminary case study was conducted using a participant suffering from an incomplete spinal cord injury (C7). It was found that through the use of the glove, the participant was able to achieve a 50% performance improvement (from four to six blocks) in a standard Box and Block test

    Cs-induced charge transfer on (2x4)-GaAs(001) studied by photoemission

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    Cesium adsorption on 2x4 GaAs (001) was studied by photoemission and low energy electron diffraction. The different Cs induced changes of the As 3d and Ga 3d core level spectra show that charge transfer is almost complete for Ga surface sites, but is negligible to surface As at a coverage smaller than 0.3 ML. The situation is opposite for a coverage larger than 0.3ML, at which transfer occurs to As but no longer to Ga. Charge transfer to As atoms leads to disordering and destabilization and induces surface conversion from the As-rich surface to the Ga-rich 4x2 one after annealing at a reduced temperature of 450 C

    Intra-articular administration of lidocaine plus adrenaline in dogs : pharmacokinetic profile and evaluation of toxicity in vivo and in vitro

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the safety of intra-articular (IA) lidocaine plus adrenaline for improving peri-operative analgesia in anaesthetised dogs undergoing arthroscopy of the elbow. A solution of lidocaine (L) 1.98% plus adrenaline 1:100.000 was administered via the IA route and its safety evaluated in terms of cardio- neuro- and chondro-toxicity. No bradycardia or hypotension was recorded from induction to the last observational time point. Signs of toxicity of the nervous system could have been masked by the general anaesthesia but lidocaine concentrations detected in the blood were lower than those thought to be capable of producing toxicity. The assessment of in vitro chondrotoxicity showed a dose- and time-dependent effect of lidocaine on the viability of articular cells. Adrenaline appeared to reduce the chondrotoxicity of 1% lidocaine, following an exposure of up to 30 min

    A Customized GIS-based Model for Stormwater Mitigation by LID Controls

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    The effects of urbanization on hydrology, water quality, habitats, as well as ecological and environmental compartments, represent issues of primary importance for multiple agencies at the national, regional and local levels. In the context of the SMART-GREEN project, funded by Fondazione Cariplo and currently in progress, a new tool called SMARTGREEN plugin is under development in a desktop GIS framework. The software will provide: 1) a user friendly interface to help analysts in the hydrologic-hydraulic modelling of urban watersheds and drainage networks through the model MOBIDIC-U, with the possibility of considering Low Impact Development (LID) solutions, 2) a set of tools to easily import information from existing databases, 3) a set of tools to check the database quality, highlight missing or incorrect data, and suggest possible fixes automatically, 4) an easy and faster way to speed up the analysis of the results. In this work, we show the main functionalities of the plugin through a basic test case. The software aims at supporting water service management companies in planning LID implementation in urban areas
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